Nonprofit Services
We’re here to help nonprofits succeed
The Community Foundation strives to help our community thrive. One way we do that is through nonprofit resources including the ones listed below.
Nonprofits may apply for grant funds from several funds at the Community Foundation.
Agency Endowment Funds
An Agency Endowment can provide a charitable organization with a consistent stream of annual revenue to fulfill its mission now and in the future.
Resource Library
The Community Foundation offers a Resource Library to nonprofits that wish to borrow materials relevant to their missions.
Meeting Room Reservations
Our meeting rooms at the Community Foundation are available for nonprofit groups in our community.
Education & Training
We offer workshops at least once per year on topics like grant writing, marketing, development and governance. We promote these workshops via our upcoming events page and through our e-newsletter, and on our Facebook page. If you are interested in receiving our e-newsletter, please register here.
We are also available for one-on-one support. Contact our CEO today at 574-267-1901 or by email if your nonprofit organization has a question we can help answer.
Board Bank
We house the Board Bank, a database of community volunteers interested in serving on the boards of area nonprofit organizations. These volunteers have identified missions that match their own passions and have provided information about their skills and experiences that would apply to board service.
To access the Board Bank, please fill out the form below and email it to Alex, our vice president of programs: