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Agency Fund | Youth

Assists the Baker Youth Clubs in purchasing equipment.

Agency Fund | Youth

Supports the day to day operations of the Baker Youth Clubs.

Field of Interest Fund | Youth

Established by Stephanie Bibler in memory of her beloved husband, Scott “Bibs” Bibler, to provide assistance to underprivileged children who desire to participate in educational, cultural and musical activities or who may be in need of counseling.

Agency Fund | Youth

Provides general operating support of the program in Kosciusko County.

Designated Fund | Youth

Established by the Boy Scouts of America, Anthony Wayne Area Council, in honor of their long-time District Scout Executive Director, Jim Molebash, upon his retirement. The fund will provide the council, in which Boy Scouts of Kosciusko County maintains its membership, with an annual stream of revenue to support their mission and to help fund the presence of a professional District Executive who will support Scouting programs in Kosciusko County.

Field of Interest Fund | Youth

Established by the Dekko Foundation to recognize the educational achievement attained by child care providers.

Agency Fund | Youth

Created by CASA to provide ongoing support for their operating needs, which will enable them to provide advocacy on behalf of abused and neglected children.

Field of Interest Fund | Youth

Created to provide life enriching medical treatments and extracurricular activities to children in the Kosciusko County foster care system.

Field of Interest Fund | Youth

Established for the enhancement of wellness to children while such children are wards of Kosciusko County, Indiana Courts, and while the child is a resident of Kosciusko County.

Designated Fund | Youth

Provides an annual stream of revenue for Girl Scouts programs and activities in Kosciusko County, Indiana.

Field of Interest Fund | Human Services and Youth

Established by Rebecca Watson to provide support to nonprofit organizations serving Kosciusko County children in need.

Designated Fund | Education and Youth

Established by Nancy Walls, this fund was created to provide support to Pierceton Elementary School or its successor entity for the purchase of literacy materials.

Agency Fund | Youth

Funded by many generous donors to provide a means of support to the 4-H program.

Designated Fund | Youth

Provides an annual stream of revenue to Kosciusko County 4-H to support educational programs and opportunities that build skills, character and knowledge of Kosciusko County 4-H members.

Designated Fund | Youth

Established by Eddie Creighton to provide funding to the council that serves area Boy Scouts.

Field of Interest Fund | Youth

Created by the Dekko Foundation to fund leadership, philanthropy and teamwork training for 8th-12th grade students from Warsaw, Wawasee, Tippecanoe Valley and Lakeland Christian Academy school systems.

Designated Fund | Youth

Established by Kyle and Melinda Miller in memory of their son, Kurt. Kurt was a junior at Tippecanoe Valley High School when he passed away as a result of an accident. This fund supports organizations that Kurt cared deeply about: Tippecanoe Valley Future Farmers of America, Kosciusko County 4-H Council, Seward Township Volunteer Fire Department and Echoes of the Past.

Designated Fund | Youth

Provides an annual stream of revenue to this youth serving organization in Syracuse, Indiana whose mission is to foster a positive sense of self-worth through programs that promote physical, mental, emotional and social development.

Agency Fund | Youth

Provides the child care center serving the Milford area with an income stream for the future.

Field of Interest Fund | Youth

Established by Kelly Easterday Heckaman in memory of her mother, Sonja Easterday, and in recognition of those people who assisted her in her career and development: Mark Herrold, Roger Fields, Jim & Cheryl Moneyheffer and Ron Fuhrmann. The fund will provide support for youth educational and developmental activities focused on agriculture, specifically for youth in 4-H and FFA.

Field of Interest Fund | Youth

Established in memory of Steve Bradford by his friends and family. The fund will benefit Kosciusko County children in need, and is a lasting tribute to Steve who demonstrated a passion for serving children during his lifetime.

Field of Interest Fund | Youth

Created with the transfer of funds from the Lakeland Community Child Care Agency and Designated Endowment Funds, upon the closing of Lakeland Community Services. The purpose of this fund is to provide nonprofit child care support for the Syracuse, Indiana community.

Field of Interest Fund | Youth

Established to meet needs of county children who are students in the public school system who have been identified by school administrators as having needs for which there are no other charitable or public funds available.

Agency Fund | Youth

Established by the Warsaw Little League to support the mission of Warsaw Little League, specifically the maintenance and operation of Little League baseball and Little League softball programs in the community.

Designated Fund | Youth

Established by Warsaw-based real estate holding company, B.S. Gold and Associates LLC, in memory of Wayne and Phillis Fribley to benefit children with medically diagnosed Klinefelter’s Syndrome, Turner Syndrom or Autism Spectrum disorders.